Saturday, September 25, 2010
This morning I'm just enjoying some coffee, wife is making breakfast and its pretty mellow except for the dogs running around. Plan on going shopping, that's my shopping today for groceries and the things I want. We shop separately mostly because she spends to much time doing it and everything is low fat this, low fat that, flavored with something or whatever. Anyway its sunny out and I'm heading to Eastern Market downtown Detroit, which is only about 15 minutes from here. WW out
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
What you call people is how you treat them. What you call my sister is how you will treat her. If you believe she’s ‘retarded’ it invites taunting, stigma. It invites bullying and it also invites the slammed doors of being treated with respect and dignity.”
–14-year-old Nick Marcellino, Rosa’s brother, in testimony to the Maryland General Assembly
This photo above just makes me melt inside. How could u not love a girl with a smile like that. Incredible kid. Who would call her retarded to her face or otherwise. That hurts me to know she has had it happen.
Let me follow the above with by saying, I don't like the word retarded. I never had. I don't let my kids use it, I don't use it and I will check somebody politely if they use it in demeaning way. That word basically means that a "retarded" person is somehow at fault for being that way and its meant to be an insult. So, some good news on the front is headed our way in regards to the word "retarded". Disabilities advocates as well as I are applauding Congress for passing legislation that eliminates the term "mental retardation" from federal laws. This measure, passed by the House, changes the phrase "mentally retarded" to "an individual with an intellectual disability" in existing health, education and laws. Does it really change anything? Ahhh...probably not, but at least it makes some headway from a standpoint on how people with mental disabilities are looked at. How many of us haven't looked at somebody with a mental disability and see them doing something that looks funny to us and smiled. I have. I wont deny it because quite frankly, people do weird things whether they can control or not. In those cases I think I would like to use the word "mentally hilarious" but I use it even with non handicapped people who are acting crazy. But getting back to my feelings on this subject. I have a very soft spot as hard ass as I think I am for people and children that are handicapped mentally. Life is just so flipping hard by its self to have to go through it with looks and stares and pre determined stereotypes. I feel bad and Ive been told not to do that. They are just different, god made them different. That's all. My children feel the same way. I seem lots of changes in attitudes and feelings towards those with mental handicaps and I'm glad they changed the law even though its just words. Its called "Rosa's Law," named after a Maryland girl with Down Syndrome, and it passed the Senate last month and now goes to President Obama for his signature. I'm happy today that I read about this. High point for me.
–14-year-old Nick Marcellino, Rosa’s brother, in testimony to the Maryland General Assembly
This photo above just makes me melt inside. How could u not love a girl with a smile like that. Incredible kid. Who would call her retarded to her face or otherwise. That hurts me to know she has had it happen.
Let me follow the above with by saying, I don't like the word retarded. I never had. I don't let my kids use it, I don't use it and I will check somebody politely if they use it in demeaning way. That word basically means that a "retarded" person is somehow at fault for being that way and its meant to be an insult. So, some good news on the front is headed our way in regards to the word "retarded". Disabilities advocates as well as I are applauding Congress for passing legislation that eliminates the term "mental retardation" from federal laws. This measure, passed by the House, changes the phrase "mentally retarded" to "an individual with an intellectual disability" in existing health, education and laws. Does it really change anything? Ahhh...probably not, but at least it makes some headway from a standpoint on how people with mental disabilities are looked at. How many of us haven't looked at somebody with a mental disability and see them doing something that looks funny to us and smiled. I have. I wont deny it because quite frankly, people do weird things whether they can control or not. In those cases I think I would like to use the word "mentally hilarious" but I use it even with non handicapped people who are acting crazy. But getting back to my feelings on this subject. I have a very soft spot as hard ass as I think I am for people and children that are handicapped mentally. Life is just so flipping hard by its self to have to go through it with looks and stares and pre determined stereotypes. I feel bad and Ive been told not to do that. They are just different, god made them different. That's all. My children feel the same way. I seem lots of changes in attitudes and feelings towards those with mental handicaps and I'm glad they changed the law even though its just words. Its called "Rosa's Law," named after a Maryland girl with Down Syndrome, and it passed the Senate last month and now goes to President Obama for his signature. I'm happy today that I read about this. High point for me.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Assholes Live Longer
We tend to think of calm, peaceful Zen, hippie types as the healthiest and happiest people in the world. After all, that three times divorced, douche bag getting red in the face as he screams insults to the cashier at the 7-11 will for sure be dead of a heart attack before he's 50, right? Maybe not according to some new studies, however the fuck they did those. But, being an asshole may keep you alive longer they are saying. That explains why maybe I'm still here. The down side to this, is that there are more assholes around that I have to deal with also.The behaviors that get us tagged as assholes is still debatable I think. But being one may just make us healthier. I always thought if I could go to a time where the asshole population was weeded out somehow that I may be happier. I think the best time reference I have for that would be back in the days of the cowboys. Back then, if you were an asshole I figured you didn't live very long, because you would get shot, right? So maybe there was a natural selection in play there. But the downside was if you were good with a gun, you be as big an asshole as you wanted to be and still reproduce more assholes that were good with guns. So, I could never logic it out that far in head, to make a design if indeed that was a good time to live. So, anyway..I'm still here since I haven't found that time machine to check it out.
I think they we can almost all agree that the reason we have such a thing as swearing in the human language is because it's a fucking great thing. But why do we do it when we get hurt? Your walking and hit your knee on the trailer ball on your truck and when you yelled "Mother fucking, god damn, cocksucker...that hurts" it just to help out with the pain a little bit more. Go figure that out. Why doesn't, "oh, its a wonderful day and I wish that hadn't had happened, does anybody have any flowers I can have" work as well. I don't know the answer. Maybe they need a study for that also.
I will tell you this from experience though and kinda sums it up for me and explains why I may live longer. Each time I'm in the hospital I never take my pain and keep it to myself. I can, but I choose not to. I do it for the attention so I don't die without somebody watching me. I demand more of hospital staff an doctors and I take control of the situation and I get more attention. While they may want me to die, the whole time I'm threatening them that if I do, my wife will sue the fucking shit out them. It usually gets me more morphine and sedatives which is usually all I want anyway.
So to sum it, I used to think being an asshole was going to kill me, but now I'm kinda thinking being an asshole pays off. If I had a choice. Which I don't.
Note: I found this cool guide on how to be really good asshole. Its below;
I will tell you this from experience though and kinda sums it up for me and explains why I may live longer. Each time I'm in the hospital I never take my pain and keep it to myself. I can, but I choose not to. I do it for the attention so I don't die without somebody watching me. I demand more of hospital staff an doctors and I take control of the situation and I get more attention. While they may want me to die, the whole time I'm threatening them that if I do, my wife will sue the fucking shit out them. It usually gets me more morphine and sedatives which is usually all I want anyway.
So to sum it, I used to think being an asshole was going to kill me, but now I'm kinda thinking being an asshole pays off. If I had a choice. Which I don't.
Note: I found this cool guide on how to be really good asshole. Its below;
How can I become an asshole in five easy steps?
Have you ever thought that deep down you really were not a nice person? If no, this guide probably is not for you. If yes, congratulations, you're well on your way to becoming an Asshole! If you follow these easy steps, you will be able to ensure that people think of you as an asshole, and not as a mere jerk, putz, loser or boor.
Step One: Have Impossibly Refined Sensibilities
This is the most essential step to becoming an asshole, and probably the most difficult. It requires an amount of study because you will need to know your field. Faking is not an option; a fake will be held up as an object of scorn and as a pretentious moron, which is clearly not your objective. I'd suggest specializing in a particular area, like food or music. While General Assholery is spectacularly impressive, it requires nearly a lifetime of study to properly attain. Knowing your field means knowing it utterly; if you intend on being a Food Asshole, you'll not need to be able to instantly tell the difference between a good Chateau Lafaurie-Peyraguey and an indifferent Puligny-Montrachet, you'll need to be able to expound to your host or hostess on why the former would have been a much better choice to serve with dessert.
Step Two: Use Really Big Words
This is a much simpler step in your ascendance to Divine Asshole. All you'll need for this is a thesaurus and a dictionary. Take some common place words and replace them with obscure ones, instead of "beauty" say "pulchritude", instead of "childish" say puerile. Make certain that you are properly using your new obscure words; loudly correct anyone who uses them improperly.
Step Three: Choose Something To Hate
It doesn't matter what, as long as it is something almost universally loved. Don't hate the French if you're English. Don't hate the Backstreet Boys or N'Sync, or you may be mistaken for a wit instead of an asshole. Whatever you do decide to hate, make sure you know enough about it to hate it properly, I'd suggest hating something in your field of expertise. If you're a Food Asshole, hate Italian Cuisine, if you're a Music Asshole, try hating Mozart or The Beatles. Make sure that whatever you do hate, is common enough to come up in casual conversation; if you're an Art Asshole, don't hate Gustave Caillebotte, as it's hard to bring conversation repeatedly around to lesser-known impressionists.
No matter what the topic of conversation is about, make sure you play a starring role in it. If someone is complaining about their hateful and psychotic ex-boyfriend, tell them all about your evil ex, who was way more evil and psychotic then theirs. If you don't have an ex, make one up. If someone manages to mention something remotely related to your field of expertise, monopolize the conversation. If possible, turn the conversation back to the thing you chose to hate in Step Three and complain loudly about it.
Step Five: You Are Always Right, Be Secure In This
This is the culmination of your training as an asshole. Once you have mastered the first four steps, you are ready for this. When someone decides to argue with you about the merits of the thing you hate in step 3, intellectually bludgeon them using the words you learned in step two. This should not be especially difficult if the hated item is one in your area of expertise from step one. Resort to ad hominem attacks deriding your opponent's intelligence. Don't be overly concerned about being clever, witty or eloquent; you are an asshole afterall, not a bitch. If you manage to win the argument either by logic and reason or by your opponent leaving in disgust; be an ungracious winner and taunt your fallen foe.
If you carefully adhere to the above steps, you will be a Supreme Asshole in no time. While you may not have many friends, you can be secure in the knowledge that being an asshole is always better than being a jerk or a loser; they not only lack friends, they lack style.
Have you ever thought that deep down you really were not a nice person? If no, this guide probably is not for you. If yes, congratulations, you're well on your way to becoming an Asshole! If you follow these easy steps, you will be able to ensure that people think of you as an asshole, and not as a mere jerk, putz, loser or boor.
Step One: Have Impossibly Refined Sensibilities
This is the most essential step to becoming an asshole, and probably the most difficult. It requires an amount of study because you will need to know your field. Faking is not an option; a fake will be held up as an object of scorn and as a pretentious moron, which is clearly not your objective. I'd suggest specializing in a particular area, like food or music. While General Assholery is spectacularly impressive, it requires nearly a lifetime of study to properly attain. Knowing your field means knowing it utterly; if you intend on being a Food Asshole, you'll not need to be able to instantly tell the difference between a good Chateau Lafaurie-Peyraguey and an indifferent Puligny-Montrachet, you'll need to be able to expound to your host or hostess on why the former would have been a much better choice to serve with dessert.
Step Two: Use Really Big Words
This is a much simpler step in your ascendance to Divine Asshole. All you'll need for this is a thesaurus and a dictionary. Take some common place words and replace them with obscure ones, instead of "beauty" say "pulchritude", instead of "childish" say puerile. Make certain that you are properly using your new obscure words; loudly correct anyone who uses them improperly.
Step Three: Choose Something To Hate
It doesn't matter what, as long as it is something almost universally loved. Don't hate the French if you're English. Don't hate the Backstreet Boys or N'Sync, or you may be mistaken for a wit instead of an asshole. Whatever you do decide to hate, make sure you know enough about it to hate it properly, I'd suggest hating something in your field of expertise. If you're a Food Asshole, hate Italian Cuisine, if you're a Music Asshole, try hating Mozart or The Beatles. Make sure that whatever you do hate, is common enough to come up in casual conversation; if you're an Art Asshole, don't hate Gustave Caillebotte, as it's hard to bring conversation repeatedly around to lesser-known impressionists.
No matter what the topic of conversation is about, make sure you play a starring role in it. If someone is complaining about their hateful and psychotic ex-boyfriend, tell them all about your evil ex, who was way more evil and psychotic then theirs. If you don't have an ex, make one up. If someone manages to mention something remotely related to your field of expertise, monopolize the conversation. If possible, turn the conversation back to the thing you chose to hate in Step Three and complain loudly about it.
Step Five: You Are Always Right, Be Secure In This
This is the culmination of your training as an asshole. Once you have mastered the first four steps, you are ready for this. When someone decides to argue with you about the merits of the thing you hate in step 3, intellectually bludgeon them using the words you learned in step two. This should not be especially difficult if the hated item is one in your area of expertise from step one. Resort to ad hominem attacks deriding your opponent's intelligence. Don't be overly concerned about being clever, witty or eloquent; you are an asshole afterall, not a bitch. If you manage to win the argument either by logic and reason or by your opponent leaving in disgust; be an ungracious winner and taunt your fallen foe.
If you carefully adhere to the above steps, you will be a Supreme Asshole in no time. While you may not have many friends, you can be secure in the knowledge that being an asshole is always better than being a jerk or a loser; they not only lack friends, they lack style.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The jobless rate in the Detroit metropolitan statistical area was 15.5 percent in March, up slightly from 15.3 percent in February and up 1.2 percentage points from a year-ago level of 14.3 percent.
I can hardly remember a time in Detroit when I could drive the streets during the day and it wasn’t crowded with people just hanging around party stores, on their porches drinking, hanging on the corners and basically not doing shit. I always asked myself, why I am working my ass off everyday driving these auto parts, tires, meat from the packing company I used to work for or whatever I was doing. How can these people just be doing nothing all day. Granted some may be working at night, but unemployment in city starting in the mid 80s has always been higher than any other place in Michigan. I’ve never collected unemployment in my life because I could always find a job. One of my jobs was collecting frigging blood from cows in the slaughter house so the locals could make sausage out of in Pole Town/. Now, it’s a god damn nightmare here in the city. People stealing, killing and selling dope everywhere. Kids aspire to be criminals because there is no work. The auto companies are all but gone with outsourcing everywhere. What the fuck is going to happen to this city? It’s been run by gangsters, rappers and hoods for the past twenty years. Finally we get a mayor that isn’t a pimp daddy and now it’s almost unrecoverable. My beloved city where I grew up on the streets. They were mean streets but not like now. Nobody shot anybody in my day unless you were in the mob. You may have shot up a car, or burned some shit or kicked there ass and carved initials in them, but not just killed. That was a big deal. I don’t know what the answer is, but I’m sad that when I go there to eat or visit the museum or Belle Isle I have to carry my big gun on my side. Detroit is now where I take my kids to show them what’s it like not have anything. But that’s not what I want it to be. I want it to be a place filled with places to go, places to eat and things to do. I’m a big city guy. That’s the way it is.
Go get a fucking job. The real problem is nobody wants to bus tables, wash dishes, sweep floors and do the stuff that is considered shit work. It’s because of the pay and they collect as much on unemployment. It wouldn’t matter to me and never did back in the day. Go get a job. Get two jobs, be a father, a family man, live up to your responsibilities and do anything but nothing. Nothing makes you weak. My rant for the day
I can hardly remember a time in Detroit when I could drive the streets during the day and it wasn’t crowded with people just hanging around party stores, on their porches drinking, hanging on the corners and basically not doing shit. I always asked myself, why I am working my ass off everyday driving these auto parts, tires, meat from the packing company I used to work for or whatever I was doing. How can these people just be doing nothing all day. Granted some may be working at night, but unemployment in city starting in the mid 80s has always been higher than any other place in Michigan. I’ve never collected unemployment in my life because I could always find a job. One of my jobs was collecting frigging blood from cows in the slaughter house so the locals could make sausage out of in Pole Town/. Now, it’s a god damn nightmare here in the city. People stealing, killing and selling dope everywhere. Kids aspire to be criminals because there is no work. The auto companies are all but gone with outsourcing everywhere. What the fuck is going to happen to this city? It’s been run by gangsters, rappers and hoods for the past twenty years. Finally we get a mayor that isn’t a pimp daddy and now it’s almost unrecoverable. My beloved city where I grew up on the streets. They were mean streets but not like now. Nobody shot anybody in my day unless you were in the mob. You may have shot up a car, or burned some shit or kicked there ass and carved initials in them, but not just killed. That was a big deal. I don’t know what the answer is, but I’m sad that when I go there to eat or visit the museum or Belle Isle I have to carry my big gun on my side. Detroit is now where I take my kids to show them what’s it like not have anything. But that’s not what I want it to be. I want it to be a place filled with places to go, places to eat and things to do. I’m a big city guy. That’s the way it is.
Go get a fucking job. The real problem is nobody wants to bus tables, wash dishes, sweep floors and do the stuff that is considered shit work. It’s because of the pay and they collect as much on unemployment. It wouldn’t matter to me and never did back in the day. Go get a job. Get two jobs, be a father, a family man, live up to your responsibilities and do anything but nothing. Nothing makes you weak. My rant for the day
Monday, September 20, 2010
Testing for Test
Test Results for test E
Expected Amount 200mg/ml
Units EU/ml
Results 208.619
% of Expected 104.3%
Test Method HPLC
If you guys wanna put your faith in what you pin for HRT, I suggest you start testing your sources. Or not. Its up to u. I can get it done for you or you can find a lab. It isnt expensive.
Uneventful day. Nada, shit, shinola. Sitting at my desk listening to my Ipod. Im cutting everybody out today at work. Didn't answer any questions, took no phone calls, checked status on some testosterone test I'm having done, mailed some money for some hormones at lunch. That's about it. Not a bad Monday
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Procrastination is evil. Things to do but not doing them today. Sunday is a day of rest and I use it when I can. Was suppose to head to north woods and cabin this weekend, but after a week on the road I said fuck it. Need to lay back this weekend and get organized around the house. Haven't had my AAS injections since last week. Suppose to have done some yesterday. To lazy to get the shit out and do it. Im cruising right now and feeling OK, so no hurry. Maybe today. I keep going back and forth on the use of some additional supps for my HRT, and just can make a commitment on it. My blood work is OK says the doc with some things like Hemocrit being high. I was in the hospital two weeks ago for something and they took my blood. They came back and said some of my RBCs were high and hemo, but blamed it on the stomach flu I had. LOL! Said thats normal when electrolytes are low. I said, "that's not the reason why they are high Ms. They are high because Im on 300mg test weekly plus other stuff" So what, if they know my dose. One thing I never do and nobody should ever do is lie to the doc if your sick and they dont know what you doing. Just fucking tell em. What are they going to do? If you don't tell em, you are just adding to what is really wrong and you aren't wasting their time. When I checked in they asked what meds I was on. I told them, test C, HGH, HCG, B-12. If I was on something else I would have told them. So, when I say I have to get organized this weekend that includes what I will be doing this winter for my HRT and blast, if I do one. All my blood is cool, I feel great, libo in check, if I was any better Id be on the cover of Health and Fitness magazine for 50! LOL! Updates later, Still long day ahead of me
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Two months ago I became eligible for retirement. Wow, big fucking deal. You wait for it all your life and then when it comes it like your 50th birthday party. You wish it went away. Attitude changes, dress at work changes, and u end up in the KMA (kiss my ass) club and eveverybody knows it. No longer interested in people around me and what they think. Im done with that FTW! I work for a young guy now who seems like the type of guy who had his lunch money stole from him everyday on his way to school. Oh well. Serenity now, serenity now I keep telling myself.
Ok, just got back from Texas. Good trip Id say. Attended some meetings, and oh ya, my son got his drivers license while I was gone. Haven't seen him since. he is out and around I suppose somewhere. Tonight he went to dinner with some friends with my money. I suspect that's the way its gonna be for some time. Still have tow more and its gonna be fun. Ill be broke, but it will be fun. Anyway, dont think I could live in Texas. Don't fit in very well in the small towns. Dallas, maybe. But small town Texas, no. People seem happier than they do where I live here in the burbs, but I guess we all evolve somewhat to our surroundings. Its all good stuff.
Went to some place called Fuji with my wife and daughter for dinner tonight. After a round of oysters, beef, shrimp, and a beer I wolfed down some desert. Its a place where you have to take off your shoes, and sit at some table that is ground level and your feet are in a pit and you sit on pillows. Sheezz. My daughter and wife like it, so I went. Not a place I would have picked. Im burnt on out on that type of food. To much road time I guess.
Looks like that left wing chick is back and outta prison in Iran. Hope she is OK but she had better watch what she says as long as her two friends are still are.
Ok, that's it. Trying to figure out how to post vids on Youtube. That should take two or three days. WW out
Ok, just got back from Texas. Good trip Id say. Attended some meetings, and oh ya, my son got his drivers license while I was gone. Haven't seen him since. he is out and around I suppose somewhere. Tonight he went to dinner with some friends with my money. I suspect that's the way its gonna be for some time. Still have tow more and its gonna be fun. Ill be broke, but it will be fun. Anyway, dont think I could live in Texas. Don't fit in very well in the small towns. Dallas, maybe. But small town Texas, no. People seem happier than they do where I live here in the burbs, but I guess we all evolve somewhat to our surroundings. Its all good stuff.
Went to some place called Fuji with my wife and daughter for dinner tonight. After a round of oysters, beef, shrimp, and a beer I wolfed down some desert. Its a place where you have to take off your shoes, and sit at some table that is ground level and your feet are in a pit and you sit on pillows. Sheezz. My daughter and wife like it, so I went. Not a place I would have picked. Im burnt on out on that type of food. To much road time I guess.
Looks like that left wing chick is back and outta prison in Iran. Hope she is OK but she had better watch what she says as long as her two friends are still are.
Ok, that's it. Trying to figure out how to post vids on Youtube. That should take two or three days. WW out
Test for Potency
Test in progress. results posted on Monday. In the process of getting some other stuff tested also.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Pursuit of Happiness
![]() |
Snowball. One of my daughters two pigs |
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
American hiker released from Iranian prison, state media reports
TEHRAN (Reuters) - One of three Americans held for more than a year in Iran suspected of spying has been freed, her lawyer said on Tuesday.
"I am inside Evin prison, doing her paperwork. She has been released and is heading toward the Swiss Embassy," Sarah Shourd's lawyer, Masoud Shafie, told Reuters from the jail where she had been held.
Shourd and two male companions were arrested near Iran's border with Iraq in July 2009. Their families say they were on a mountain hike in northern Iraq at the time of their arrest.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Violent Crime Rises in Metro Detroit
Violent crime rises in Metro Detroit, bucking national trend
Mike Wilkinson / Detroit News
Detroit and some of its neighboring communities are battling rising crime rates, despite a third consecutive nationwide decline in violent crime, according to final 2009 statistics released by the FBI today.
The violent crime rate in Detroit, which measures murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault, rose over 2 percent from 2008 to 2009, to nearly 2,000 for every 100,000 people in the city. The murder also climbed to 40 per 100,000, up from 34.
The city did see a 5 percent drop in the property crime rate. That mirrors the 4.6 percent decline in property crime nationally -- the seventh consecutive year that nonviolent crime rates have dropped.
Nationwide, there was a 5.3 percent drop in violent crime.
Warren, Eastpointe and Livonia and Dearborn Heights posted more dramatic increases, ranging from 23 to 36 percent from 2008 to 2009. In Livonia, there were 44 more violent crimes in 2009, mostly attributed to the additional 41 aggravated assaults reported there. That pushed the violent crime rate up 36.4 percent.
So, too, in Warren and Eastpointe, the increases are mainly in the number of aggravated assaults, though robberies rose from 58 to 84 in Eastpointe. In Dearborn Heights, aggravated assaults rose from 132 to 170, helping push its crime rate up 23 percent.
Other communities reporting substantial decreases in violent crime rates were Farmington Hills, down 25 percent; Southfield, down 19 percent; Troy, down 16 percent; and Clinton Township, down 15 percent.
In Detroit, the final 2009 crime statistics show there were 365 murders in the city last year, up from 306. However, that 2008 number has been contested; in May the FBI said there were 323 murders in 2008 while Detroit police say it was 342.
Nationwide, murder fell by 7.3 percent, robbery by 8 percent, aggravated assault by 4.2 percent and rape by 2.6 percent. Motor vehicle theft was down by 17.1 percent, larceny by 4 percent and burglary by 1.3 percent.
Data for the FBI's report comes from 17,985 governmental units and universities and colleges representing over 96 percent of the nation's population.
Mike Wilkinson / Detroit News
Detroit and some of its neighboring communities are battling rising crime rates, despite a third consecutive nationwide decline in violent crime, according to final 2009 statistics released by the FBI today.
The violent crime rate in Detroit, which measures murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault, rose over 2 percent from 2008 to 2009, to nearly 2,000 for every 100,000 people in the city. The murder also climbed to 40 per 100,000, up from 34.
The city did see a 5 percent drop in the property crime rate. That mirrors the 4.6 percent decline in property crime nationally -- the seventh consecutive year that nonviolent crime rates have dropped.
Nationwide, there was a 5.3 percent drop in violent crime.
Warren, Eastpointe and Livonia and Dearborn Heights posted more dramatic increases, ranging from 23 to 36 percent from 2008 to 2009. In Livonia, there were 44 more violent crimes in 2009, mostly attributed to the additional 41 aggravated assaults reported there. That pushed the violent crime rate up 36.4 percent.
So, too, in Warren and Eastpointe, the increases are mainly in the number of aggravated assaults, though robberies rose from 58 to 84 in Eastpointe. In Dearborn Heights, aggravated assaults rose from 132 to 170, helping push its crime rate up 23 percent.
Other communities reporting substantial decreases in violent crime rates were Farmington Hills, down 25 percent; Southfield, down 19 percent; Troy, down 16 percent; and Clinton Township, down 15 percent.
In Detroit, the final 2009 crime statistics show there were 365 murders in the city last year, up from 306. However, that 2008 number has been contested; in May the FBI said there were 323 murders in 2008 while Detroit police say it was 342.
Nationwide, murder fell by 7.3 percent, robbery by 8 percent, aggravated assault by 4.2 percent and rape by 2.6 percent. Motor vehicle theft was down by 17.1 percent, larceny by 4 percent and burglary by 1.3 percent.
Data for the FBI's report comes from 17,985 governmental units and universities and colleges representing over 96 percent of the nation's population.
Well, after an uneventful weekend of soccer, raking apples, napping (sorry to disappoint if your looking for something exciting), and just kicking back. Now, its back to work time. I went to see the 2nd in command here where I work and asked to be put in another position. No complaints now other than where I work its like being a surgeon in a trauma unit. Always reactive and never time to be proactive for planning. I'm like an air bag in car here. I go off in a crisis, solve or fix it and go on to the next crisis. Looking for planning job, Don't want to go home and retire in a body bag. Ill update later cool cats. Sure something is going to happen today! :)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Hikers in Iran are Innocent! Or are they?
Bail Now Set at $500,000 for Girl
Ok, while we all pretty much agree that these characters are idiots for taking a vacation in Iran, lets look at the side we dont hear. While one of the hikers may be released this weekend because of illness, the rest will stay. Ive never thought these hikers "were just hiking" and suspected that maybe they were doing some investigative reporting. Read the below and see what you think
Let ‘Em Rot: “Hiking” Americans Detained in Iran Are Pro-Syrian, Anti-Israel, Far-Left “Journalist” Activists
By Debbie Schlussel
Longtime readers know my point of view on this: whether you are American or not, a “journalist” or not, if you go to Iran or North Korea, you knew the likely consequences, you assumed the risk, and I couldn’t care less about you. I care far more about those held in these totalitarian states against their will, not dumb, left-wing Americans who went there willingly.
Sarah Shourd, Shane Bauer, Josh Fattal:
Left-Wing Activist “Journalists” Detained “Hiking” near Iran
We have enough looming and present foreign and domestic policy problems to worry about. We don’t need to add people like Laura Ling and Roxana Saberi . . . and now, three “hikers” who are really left-wing, pro-Syrian, anti-Israel “activist” “journalists” from Berkeley–two of whom chose to leave America and live in the Arab Muslim Mid-East. They knew the risks when they went “hiking” on the Iranian border. (Hint: It’s not like vacationing in South Beach, and I don’t think they were really hiking.) Two of them chose to live in the Middle East. Tough luck that they got caught.
Oh, and if you think I believe the “they were just hiking” story, think again. Here’s a little bit of info about these far-left “hikers.” It seems that an Iranian prison might be a great place for them to spend some time.
* Sarah Shourd is an anti-Israel “journalist” who lives in the Middle East (probably in Damascus, Syria, from which she’s written some of her articles), writes sympathetic pieces about terrorist-host state Syria, attacking Israel, and taking her Syrian patrons’ false point of view that Israel’s Golan Heights is “occupied territory.” She also writes about how Israel oppresses the Syrians. Hilarious. I mean, no biggie that Bashir Al-Assad cuts his people apart limb by limb, like his father did to journalist Salim Al-Lawzi, that Syria has an atrocious human rights record and tortures dissidents, let’s concentrate on blaming the Jews. That’s her strategy.
Here’s a tip for Ms. Shourd: Israel annexed the Golan Heights years ago–you know, when Syria attacked Israel, went to war, and lost. Shourd lies and claims that Israel forced Syrian inhabitants of the Golan Heights to become Israeli citizens. Nauseatingly false. I have many Druze friends with family there. The Druze Arab inhabitants love the freedom they have as Israelis–of not having to worry if a conversation they have on the street will result in their limbs being amputated without anasthesia. The formely Syrian Druze of the Golan Heights rue the day when Syria gets it back (as Obama–and before him, Bush–have been pushing).
Shourd describes herself as a “ teacher-activist-writer from California currently based in the Middle East.” Well, we know for whom she’s an activist and writer–the Iranians-sponsored Syrians and other Islamic terrorists. I’m just worried about whom she is teaching.
* Shane Bauer is a UC Berkeley grad who has written for the far-left The Nation and “reported” for the Terrorist News Network a/k/a Al-Jazeera. He lives in the Muslim Mid-East, speaks Arabic and his Berkeley degree is in “Peace and Conflict Studies”–typical far-left degree for Jimmy Carter groupies. He lives and is based in Damascus, Syria–a nation for whom he’s toed the party line. From his Damascus digs, he’s written articles for left-wing media outlets about how Muslims in Syria love Obama but need to see him change American foreign policy toward Israel and the Islamic world. Sound like an “innocent hiker” to you?
* Joshua Fattal, also a Berkeley grad is an environmental activist who hosted a “resistance” radio show. Media reports say his father is Iraqi, and he said he was traveling there to get in touch with his roots.
He earned a degree in environmental economics and policy. He also taught high-school students in Berkeley and worked in New Hampshire.
He most recently worked and lived at Aprovecho Research Center in Cottage Grove, Ore. The nonprofit facility is located on a 40-acre ranch and is focused on sustainable living skills, sustainable forestry and organic gardening, its Web site states.
At Aprovecho, Fattal held a position as internship coordinator. He was a graduate of the program himself and traveled to small towns in Oregon and Guatemala to implement some of the sustainable living ideas taught at the center . . . .
While Fattal was at Aprovecho, he co-hosted a weekly radio show, “Rhythms and Resistance,” on the center’s community station.
These are the three “hiking” Americans who “accidentally” strayed into Iran. Things are not always as they seem. But, in this case, one thing’s quite clear. When you hear about Americans vacationing by hiking near Iran, you know something’s up. And it’s not innocent at all. These three were not mere “tourists.”
Sad that our government won’t send the right message to these activist, left-wing Americans who take unwarranted risks: You’re on your own.
I’d say, “Let ‘em rot in hell.” But, right now, they’re rotting in Iran. Close enough.
(Unfortunately, Iran will soon learn what useful idiots these are and set them free, just like they did with Saberi and just like Islamic terrorists did with their friend, Jill Carroll.)
Ok, while we all pretty much agree that these characters are idiots for taking a vacation in Iran, lets look at the side we dont hear. While one of the hikers may be released this weekend because of illness, the rest will stay. Ive never thought these hikers "were just hiking" and suspected that maybe they were doing some investigative reporting. Read the below and see what you think
Let ‘Em Rot: “Hiking” Americans Detained in Iran Are Pro-Syrian, Anti-Israel, Far-Left “Journalist” Activists
By Debbie Schlussel
Longtime readers know my point of view on this: whether you are American or not, a “journalist” or not, if you go to Iran or North Korea, you knew the likely consequences, you assumed the risk, and I couldn’t care less about you. I care far more about those held in these totalitarian states against their will, not dumb, left-wing Americans who went there willingly.
Sarah Shourd, Shane Bauer, Josh Fattal:
Left-Wing Activist “Journalists” Detained “Hiking” near Iran
We have enough looming and present foreign and domestic policy problems to worry about. We don’t need to add people like Laura Ling and Roxana Saberi . . . and now, three “hikers” who are really left-wing, pro-Syrian, anti-Israel “activist” “journalists” from Berkeley–two of whom chose to leave America and live in the Arab Muslim Mid-East. They knew the risks when they went “hiking” on the Iranian border. (Hint: It’s not like vacationing in South Beach, and I don’t think they were really hiking.) Two of them chose to live in the Middle East. Tough luck that they got caught.
Oh, and if you think I believe the “they were just hiking” story, think again. Here’s a little bit of info about these far-left “hikers.” It seems that an Iranian prison might be a great place for them to spend some time.
* Sarah Shourd is an anti-Israel “journalist” who lives in the Middle East (probably in Damascus, Syria, from which she’s written some of her articles), writes sympathetic pieces about terrorist-host state Syria, attacking Israel, and taking her Syrian patrons’ false point of view that Israel’s Golan Heights is “occupied territory.” She also writes about how Israel oppresses the Syrians. Hilarious. I mean, no biggie that Bashir Al-Assad cuts his people apart limb by limb, like his father did to journalist Salim Al-Lawzi, that Syria has an atrocious human rights record and tortures dissidents, let’s concentrate on blaming the Jews. That’s her strategy.
Here’s a tip for Ms. Shourd: Israel annexed the Golan Heights years ago–you know, when Syria attacked Israel, went to war, and lost. Shourd lies and claims that Israel forced Syrian inhabitants of the Golan Heights to become Israeli citizens. Nauseatingly false. I have many Druze friends with family there. The Druze Arab inhabitants love the freedom they have as Israelis–of not having to worry if a conversation they have on the street will result in their limbs being amputated without anasthesia. The formely Syrian Druze of the Golan Heights rue the day when Syria gets it back (as Obama–and before him, Bush–have been pushing).
Shourd describes herself as a “ teacher-activist-writer from California currently based in the Middle East.” Well, we know for whom she’s an activist and writer–the Iranians-sponsored Syrians and other Islamic terrorists. I’m just worried about whom she is teaching.
* Shane Bauer is a UC Berkeley grad who has written for the far-left The Nation and “reported” for the Terrorist News Network a/k/a Al-Jazeera. He lives in the Muslim Mid-East, speaks Arabic and his Berkeley degree is in “Peace and Conflict Studies”–typical far-left degree for Jimmy Carter groupies. He lives and is based in Damascus, Syria–a nation for whom he’s toed the party line. From his Damascus digs, he’s written articles for left-wing media outlets about how Muslims in Syria love Obama but need to see him change American foreign policy toward Israel and the Islamic world. Sound like an “innocent hiker” to you?
* Joshua Fattal, also a Berkeley grad is an environmental activist who hosted a “resistance” radio show. Media reports say his father is Iraqi, and he said he was traveling there to get in touch with his roots.
He earned a degree in environmental economics and policy. He also taught high-school students in Berkeley and worked in New Hampshire.
He most recently worked and lived at Aprovecho Research Center in Cottage Grove, Ore. The nonprofit facility is located on a 40-acre ranch and is focused on sustainable living skills, sustainable forestry and organic gardening, its Web site states.
At Aprovecho, Fattal held a position as internship coordinator. He was a graduate of the program himself and traveled to small towns in Oregon and Guatemala to implement some of the sustainable living ideas taught at the center . . . .
While Fattal was at Aprovecho, he co-hosted a weekly radio show, “Rhythms and Resistance,” on the center’s community station.
These are the three “hiking” Americans who “accidentally” strayed into Iran. Things are not always as they seem. But, in this case, one thing’s quite clear. When you hear about Americans vacationing by hiking near Iran, you know something’s up. And it’s not innocent at all. These three were not mere “tourists.”
Sad that our government won’t send the right message to these activist, left-wing Americans who take unwarranted risks: You’re on your own.
I’d say, “Let ‘em rot in hell.” But, right now, they’re rotting in Iran. Close enough.
(Unfortunately, Iran will soon learn what useful idiots these are and set them free, just like they did with Saberi and just like Islamic terrorists did with their friend, Jill Carroll.)
Testing for Hormone Content from Pharmacy
When you take steroids, as I do, you live in a world of trust. You put steroids into your body with the hopes of what your taking is "good" and minimally wont kill you. The only reliable source of AAS that you really have is a pharmacy. Or are they? I cant possibly list all the pharmacies that have been busted for illegal activities. My own father-in law had his compounding license revoked for illegal activities. Was a multi millionaire, now broke. Google "pharmacy busted" one time and look at what comes up. There are a few clinics around that base their whole operation and business on anti-aging. Great clinics, some of them, some of them are there to make money. One in particular I use is great, but I have a question about some testosterone that was scripted out and the actual content of the product. Ok, lets get it tested. I find a lab that does it, and I sent it in. Will have the results this week I'm sure. But I'm posting the results here because, I could be accused no matter the results are of attacking the clinic which in my world are as held up on a pedestal and are somes life blood for steroids for HRT.
Who's to blame if product is good? The clinic who's Doctor prescribed the drug? Of fucking course not. Again, google looking for busted pharmacies. There are hundreds! I would think the clinic and doctor would like to know if the pharmacy they use is good, you think? Which brings up another topic of blind trust. I don't trust anybody who sells me stuff that I don't know what is in it. Ive learned to overcome that, but you give me a tool to check and verify, I'm there daddio. Post findings this week. Lab report in PDF. Good or bad. It makes sense
Who's to blame if product is good? The clinic who's Doctor prescribed the drug? Of fucking course not. Again, google looking for busted pharmacies. There are hundreds! I would think the clinic and doctor would like to know if the pharmacy they use is good, you think? Which brings up another topic of blind trust. I don't trust anybody who sells me stuff that I don't know what is in it. Ive learned to overcome that, but you give me a tool to check and verify, I'm there daddio. Post findings this week. Lab report in PDF. Good or bad. It makes sense
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Run in With the Green Fairy
Somehow last night started out pretty rough. Trying to get out of the house. Friends waiting the living room watching some cartoon called Flapjack with my 9 year old. Finally got out around 10:30 and landed at a couple of seedy bars in a downtown area. Eclectic to say the least. I decided to make the night worthwhile and over talks about travels and drinks in Louisiana, namely the Sazerac (one of the oldest known cocktails, with its origins in pre-Civil War New Orleans, Louisiana), All ll of a sudden got a taste for the recently approved for consumption in the states, absinthe. You know, the drink that Van Gough drank that supposedly made him go insane and cut of his ear? Anyway, Ive drank the stuff in Amsterdam while there, and I hate a taste for it last night. "waiter!, one absinthe with a sugar cube over here!" Mixed it up and sipped it with my Amstel beer. I actually drank it all night while at the bar watching all the shit going on with a bar filled of midaged and young people (some at least 20 years below our ages). Casual and mellow buzz all night. This morning was a light rain and I woke to sounds from my wife saying we had a soccer game to attend at 9AM. Woke up, came down in my underwear, my daughter told me to put something on. I did, got dressed and found myself wondering across the expanse of the soccer field in rain still thinking about the Green Fairy and where I really am. Its a wonderfull day
Friday, September 10, 2010
![]() |
Old pic of the first bike I built from ground up. Yep, me on the bike and my close friend Jerry. He has been there for me through the most difficult of times and best of times. |
Oh, ya, the pictures I post will almost never be relevent to my posts of the day. I post pics that make me feel good
Im buying a camcorder today. Plan on doing some vids for u tube on some crazy shit we do here in the D, like driving to a destinations by making only left turns. Its a trip, but man is it fun. My mind a void today. Oatmeal. Heading out to the club tonight with friends. Need to get out. Probaly end up at the casino coming home trashed, puke and waking everybody up. Ohh.. the good life
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The Adventures of Westwood
Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough and I have. I think one of the definitions of maturity is that when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values, then you have reached maturity. I don't fall in that category so I guess I'm still immature and I'm digging it. I have more sense, more reasoning, more of alot and less of alot than I had in my youth. I'm living life to the fullest and hanging on by a thread to sanity.
"Why does my blood thus muster to my heart, and dispossessing all my other parts of necessary fitness?”
by William Shakespeare
See, I don't know what that means above. Not a clue and that's the way I like it. So for me, life is all very simple and that's why I'm starting a Blog. I want to post random observations, things that happen in my day and adding to all of that, my wondrous journey through hormone replacement therapy, bodybuilding and just life. Hang on folks. Ill be back
"Why does my blood thus muster to my heart, and dispossessing all my other parts of necessary fitness?”
by William Shakespeare
See, I don't know what that means above. Not a clue and that's the way I like it. So for me, life is all very simple and that's why I'm starting a Blog. I want to post random observations, things that happen in my day and adding to all of that, my wondrous journey through hormone replacement therapy, bodybuilding and just life. Hang on folks. Ill be back
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