Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The jobless rate in the Detroit metropolitan statistical area was 15.5 percent in March, up slightly from 15.3 percent in February and up 1.2 percentage points from a year-ago level of 14.3 percent.

I can hardly remember a time in Detroit when I could drive the streets during the day and it wasn’t crowded with people just hanging around party stores, on their porches drinking, hanging on the corners and basically not doing shit. I always asked myself, why I am working my ass off everyday driving these auto parts, tires, meat from the packing company I used to work for or whatever I was doing. How can these people just be doing nothing all day. Granted some may be working at night, but unemployment in city starting in the mid 80s has always been higher than any other place in Michigan. I’ve never collected unemployment in my life because I could always find a job. One of my jobs was collecting frigging blood from cows in the slaughter house so the locals could make sausage out of in Pole Town/.  Now, it’s a god damn nightmare here in the city. People stealing, killing and selling dope everywhere. Kids aspire to be criminals because there is no work. The auto companies are all but gone with outsourcing everywhere. What the fuck is going to happen to this city? It’s been run by gangsters, rappers and hoods for the past twenty years. Finally we get a mayor that isn’t a pimp daddy and now it’s almost unrecoverable. My beloved city where I grew up on the streets. They were mean streets but not like now. Nobody shot anybody in my day unless you were in the mob. You may have shot up a car, or burned some shit or kicked there ass and carved initials in them, but not just killed. That was a big deal.  I don’t know what the answer is, but I’m sad that when I go there to eat or visit the museum or Belle Isle I have to carry my big gun on my side. Detroit is now where I take my kids to show them what’s it like not have anything. But that’s not what I want it to be. I want it to be a place filled with places to go, places to eat and things to do. I’m a big city guy. That’s the way it is.

Go get a fucking job. The real problem is nobody wants to bus tables, wash dishes, sweep floors and do the stuff that is considered shit work. It’s because of the pay and they collect as much on unemployment. It wouldn’t matter to me and never did back in the day. Go get a job. Get two jobs, be a father, a family man, live up to your responsibilities and do anything but nothing. Nothing makes you weak. My rant for the day

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